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Minutes from the Annual General Meeting in Curasight A/S

March 25, 2021


Curasight A/S, CVR no. 35 24 93 89 (“Curasight” or the “Company”) held its Annual General Meeting on 25 March 2021 at 10:00 (CET) at the Company’s premises, Ole Maaløes Vej 3, room M4, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark.

The agenda for the general meeting was as follows:

  1. Election of chairman of the meeting

Per Falholt was elected as the chairman of the general meeting. The Chairman ascertained the lawfulness of the general meeting.

  1. Report on the activities of the Company in the past financial year

An oral report on the activities of the Company in the past financial year was presented and the report was noted by the general meeting.

  1. Presentation of the annual report with auditors’ report for adoption

The Company’s annual report with the auditors’ report for the financial year 2020 was presented and the general meeting unanimously adopted the audited annual report.

  1. Resolution on covering of losses in accordance with the adopted annual report

The general meeting unanimously resolved that the consolidated loss for the financial year 2020 of tDKK -5,552 is carried forward to the next financial year in accordance with the adopted annual report.

  1. Election of members to the Board of Directors

The general meeting unanimously decided to re-elect Per Falholt, Lars Trolle, Charlotte Vedel, Andreas Kjær and Ulrich Krasilnikoff to the Board of Directors. For the purpose of these minutes, it is noted that the board of directors subsequently re-elected Per Falholt as chairman and Lars Trolle as deputy chairman of the Board of Directors.

  1. Election of auditor

The general meeting unanimously re-elected PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab, CVR no. 33 77 12 31, as the Company’s auditor.

  1. Proposals from the Board of Directors and shareholders

No proposals have been received from the Board of Directors or the shareholders.

  1. Miscellaneous

There were no matters to be presented.

For more information regarding Curasight, please contact:

Ulrich Krasilnikoff, CEO

Phone: +45 22 83 01 60



Curasight is a clinical development company based in Copenhagen, Denmark. The company is a pioneer in the field of exploiting a novel Positron Emissions Tomography (PET) imaging platform targeting the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (“uPAR”). The technology is expected to improve diagnosis and risk stratification in multiple cancer types.